ILCAM3D is the basic software platform for all IL series ultra-precision machine tools. It supports any tool path generation for turning, free-form or micro-structure turning jobs. The software has been developed and growing over the past 10 years summarizing all of our experience and background at Innolite. It will never be ready, it constantly improves and expands for future challenging requirements driven by our customer needs.

Based on ILCAM3D you can program simple geometries such as aspheres or lens arrays or load complicated free-form surfaces for tool path planning and programming. Specify tools cutting strategies and parameters, combine multiple cuts for pre-machining and finishing with different parameters or program measurement tasks for inline sensors on IL series machines. The user-friendly software with graphical support will generate standard G-Code to be executed at the machine. Such programs can be edited and extended by those operators that are firm with the syntax of G-code.

ILCAM3D | DirectDrive3D

The DirectDrive3D software package is an add on to ILCAM3D and will replace the standard functionality of CNC code interpolation. The software module calculates fully synchronized single axis motion profiles based on the defined tool path including dynamic parameters such as speeds, accelerations and jerk at a world leading fixed set point frequency of 10.000 points per second.

Such pre-calculated set points are useful for pre-analysis of the machines motion profiles on the one hand. You can detect dynamic overshoots or areas of dynamic improvement to save cutting time. It allows for constant cutting speed at variable rpm for complicated free form geometries and it outruns all current CNC performance.

With the IL series machines such high density fixed set points are being streamed to decentralized FPGA based servos with a position and current control loop operating at 100 kHz.

The Innolite DirectDrive3D package takes ultra-precision machine control performance and resolution to the next level.

ILCAM3D | Pre-Cut

The Pre-Cut module is an add-on to ILCAM3D to efficiently cut blanks to free-form shape geometries. The software automatically generates morphed cutting strategies to avoid air cuts and to remove material as efficient as possible. Integrated in ILCAM3D the finishing cut is fully integrated into the entire cutting strategy.

ILCAM3D | Confocal Measurement

The Confocal Measurement software module is an add on to ILCAM3D to program and guide a scanning sensor over a surface to record and store metrology data. It allows spiral, orbit or raster scanning with individually programmable pitch settings and data recording resolution. Based on this module, you turn your IL series ultra-precision machine into a metrology platform.


The Micro Lens Array module is an add-on to ILCAM3D to efficiently cut MLAs. Concave MLAs with ideally sharp intersections require infinite acceleration if cutting in a continuous flow. This software module allows to split up the MLA into different cutting patterns to skip a single or multiple lenses during a single spindle rotation to reduce dynamics and avoid overshoots or blurry edges. It will help to reduce cutting speed and to improve quality in MLA production.

ILCAM3D | Fiducial Milling

The fiducial milling software module is an add-on to ILCAM3D and allows for IL series machines equipped with a grooving or milling spindle to engrave letters, markers or other signs for orientation, identification or specification. It supports C, X, Z or pure cartesian X, Z, Y interpolation.

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